Wednesday, March 26, 2008

While I was sleeping

Last night I woke up every hour with the strangest feeling that I was falling in love.


CJGallegos said...

With a particular person or just generally?

Katie Bowen said...

It WAS with a particular person, but based on the reality of our relationship, meaning the one that exists in the non-dreaming world, I believe he was simply a symbol of my "In-loveness."

CJGallegos said...


Katie Bowen said...

I know enough about you to know there is something hiding under that Oh.

runnerfrog said...

I hate doing propaganda, but I've had a conscious interest in this very topic about the unconscious through a symbology, as I posted here:
Thing is, your post is quite much more Borgesian, since the oneiric symbol influences the reality. Believe me that if you felt in love of a character of one of your dreams, I'm completely in love with Borges since I was a kid, and I've felt sometimes to be a secondary character of one of his stories. Your post plus comment are quite one of his stories, nominalist and playful. It shook me off of my usual silence.