My father liked hot baths, road trips and opening gifts; he liked old stamps, old movies, books and comfortable shoes. He gargled in the morning, used bar soap to wash his hair, he ate cereal for breakfast and sang while doing dishes.
He would have been 76 today, and I miss him.
from all you have written about him and from all aaron has told me your dad sounds like a wonderful spirit. you obviously had a precious relationship and so my heart breaks for you in the eternal missing of him.
Katie, what a great tribute!
to clarify..i feel i should..by eternally i mean in this life b/c i sense that we will be reunited with our beloved ones in another bliss-filled place.
long clarification eh?!
No clarification needed Wendy, I always appreciate your thoughtful and loving comments.
Yours too, Coop.
OK so this is wild...we turned on the news tonight and somehow found ourselves on the wrong channel-not the news channel-where the movie MASH was playing! And... there was your Dad! We think it is very "interesting" that it was playing tonight and that we saw it. Love his glasses!
Your Sunday Blog Stalker!
i'll think of him tomorrow when i'm throwin the dice in reno... love, russell
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