I like that I can wake up in the middle of the night and play online Scrabble if I want to. I like that I can go to dinner with my ex-husband and our child, then stop at a chocolate shop for treats. I like being able to cook a meal, order take-out, or eat nothing at all. I like clicking my mouse, washing dishes without gloves, and wearing my hair up. I like writing a book, and I like
facebook. I like that I no longer doubt the importance of the role I play in my daughter's life. I like that my body is at ease, and my breath is not held, and I like that the only surprises
occurring these days are the ones that feel good. I like that I'm surrounded by people with strong minds and gentle hearts, and I like that this is the only reality in which I will
ever live again. I like that when the day comes to chose someone to walk beside, I know I'll chose a man who speaks my language; who is imperfect, but whose life will meld with mine. I like that I'm certain he won't be in disguise the way he's been so many times before, because for the first time, my eyes are wide open... and I like that; I like that most of all.
and I like THAT!
is online scrabble ok? i used to play the board game a lot; i would think that online it would be easy for the opponent to use a dictionary to cheat with. glad that your mojo is coming back katie. rw
Actually, it's not online, now that I think of it, it's just on my computer... and now that I think of it.. I'm gonna go play! And thanks for the compliment, Russell. Really.
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