Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Essence of Student, by Annie Kosh

I am the essence of student
I am chins against palms,
I am eyes half closed in a place between here and there.
I am groans held in,
I am minds aching for release.

I am the essence of student
My brain is the notebook everyone writes in.
I am a notebook stuffed to capacity.
I am the cry for success, and at the same time the cry for distraction.
I am the barricade in my own path.

I am the essence of student
I am laughter echoing in the halls.
I am whispers and nudges and sideways glances.
I am tentative smiles searching for approval,
I am the constant, pounding thought, "maybe I'm not good enough."

I am the essence of student
I am sneaker-clad feet propped up on chairs and arms crossed.
I am the taste cafeteria lunch leaves on your tongue,
the same taste as knowing you failed that test.
I am mouths that spit gum into trash cans and then take more,
I am passionate voices spoken out of turn.

I am the essence of student
I am curiosity etched into every part of you,
I am the spark of interest in your heart, desperate to remain alight.
I am tongues stuck out corners of mouths, pencils scribbling furiously.
I am the first easy breath that fills you when you realize it might all be worth it.


Chris Middleton said...

I commented on your Facebook link to this Katie, but just wanted to say here that I absolutely love this poem. Finding the link to this over breakfast was an inspiring start to a tough day in a tough week. I've re-read it several times during the day today just because it's so beautiful. Annie has a real talent.

wendy said...

this is amazing! thank you annie!wow!

Katie Bowen said...

Chris, Wendy-thank you so much. I'm in awe of this poem. Honestly, I'm in awe of Annie, and as I've said before, I feel beyond fortunate to be her mum.

Your comments warm my heart.