Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Married to the Blog

If I weren't married to a human being would I be driving around in one of those adorable Mini Coops? Would I be jetting off on a moment’s notice to meet up with girlfriends for a night out in L.A.? Would I be a hotshot editor working at a trendy downtown post-production house? Would I be reading Cosmo and tending to every imperfection on my body with nips and tucks, pulls and peels? Would I go to the gym seven days a week, get highlights in my hair; have massages and vacations in Bermuda?

I would assuredly be living in a fabulous loft somewhere in New York, L.A. or San Francisco, but as for the rest, I doubt it. I would probably spend my days locked inside by this computer, drinking coffee, figuring out things to post on my blog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.