Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Changing Lanes

Life has changed so dramatically for me in the past months, and although it is, at times painfully uncomfortable, I suppose if one allows it, it is what happens. When I was 25 I was focused solely on romance, when I was 26 it was about partnership and marriage. When I was 32 my life became about the loss of my father, and at 34 it was about being a mother, and that's all I wanted for a very long time. But when your only child gets to an age where she can bathe herself, sleep away from home and write her own poetry, if you weren’t paying attention to your life before, you have no choice but to pay attention now. Well, I suppose you have a choice, but eventually the knocking gets so loud that you either ignore it, or you open the door to see what’s there. I'm looking, and my God is there a lot to see.

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