Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Tuesday Night

No graphics at the moment, not sure if it's blogspot or Verizon. Verizon has been creating all sorts of havoc in the hood lately, putting up cell phone towers, (Brain cancer, here we come!) and just being their usual obtrusive and incompetent selves. (Hey wait, does Verizon have a self? And if they do, is it a self or are they selves? Sounds like a good question to ponder while on mushrooms. (Not that I ever have…pondered that question.)

All is well here, trying to finish my short film by Sundance's September 1st deadline, hanging with Annie, seeing friends and taking regular trips on the “A” train to West 4th for the best $10 massages in the world.

Thanks for all the beautiful emails, when strangers become friends you can't deny it’s a damn good world.

And I'm off...

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