Tuesday, December 12, 2006

From My Personal Astrology Planner

Although I'm not seriously into astrology, I have this little book that inevitably, when I pick it up and read what should be going on with me at any given time, is right on the mark. (It kind of creeps me out.)

LEO: You are being genuine, Leo—this isn’t about manufacturing emotions—but no matter how far out there you go, a part of you will be standing back and measuring the response of your audience.

Expect the dance of your extroverted side and your need for self-control to continue until the Sun enters Capricorn on the 21st. You’ll still be having fun then, but the scales might start to tip in the direction of maintaining safety, as opposed to risk-taking.

A bit more restraint with respect to romance, children, and self-expression is healthy. The roaring engine of fun, creativity and boldness will tend to slow you down as you are more selective about what you show and to whom you show it to.

You will probably end the year on a relatively serious note, but not necessarily a somber one.

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