Friday, April 27, 2007

Friday morning

I'm in an unusual place in my head lately, a place of calm, quiet and focus. (Not a place I've been to much in recent months.) It's rather nice in here, the weather is not too hot, not too cold, and although I remain present to the life outside my head, the world is not churning in me as it usually does. It's been difficult lately, both here at The Half Note and when communicating with friends, to express myself in a way that reflects or resembles any of what I'm feeling. The truth is, I don't have a particular need to express myself at the moment. (Hard to believe of someone who is compelled to tell the world that her left foot is ticklish but her right foot is not.)

When I left Sedona I felt as if something big was right around the corner. I had no reason to believe it, no evidence that this was true. At first I thought it was a job, then I thought it was a creative awakening, then I thought it was love, then I just left it alone and didn't think or wonder anymore. But the feeling that something big was coming, remained.

Regardless of what it is, it will open a door, take my hand, and lead me into the next chapter. And whether it turns out to be a happy story or a sad tale, I assure you, I will have much to say about it.

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