We ran out of candy in Santa Cruz, (approximate population: 55,000) by 8:00 PM and solved it by finding some five year old Christmas candy on top of the refrigerator in a plastic bag. Little kids, even big ones don't know what you're dropping into their bags if you do it with confidence..
How MUCH sampling was going on between trick or treaters anyway ???
How can you run out of candy on Halloween ???
Approximate population of the town in which you live: 2,426
Approximate population of the town in which I live: 8 million.
That's how.
We ran out of candy in Santa Cruz, (approximate population: 55,000) by 8:00 PM and solved it by finding some five year old Christmas candy on top of the refrigerator in a plastic bag. Little kids, even big ones don't know what you're dropping into their bags if you do it with confidence..
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