Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The Half Note will be packing boxes for the next two days and nights. We apologize for any inconvenience a decrease in blogging may cause.


CJGallegos said...

NOW what are you up to?

Reverend Shawn said...

I can relate ... I'm off today to pack up the last of my office and cart the boxes to the house ...

I hope your experience is more positive THAN mine has been ...

... can you pass me the tape please??

Katie Bowen said...

Coop, We've sold our apartment, the one Annie and Dave still live in. Dave is moving two buildings down, and in March, I'll be in my own apartment in the same building. That way Annie can go up and down the stairs and in one sense, be under the same roof as both her parents.

Will certainly blog more about it after the move!



CJGallegos said...

Thanks for the update, Katie. Your new situation sounds great! Hope that's how you feel about it too. (Now what's the Homestead?)

Katie Bowen said...

The Homestead is the name I use to refer to the apartment we've just sold, the one where after I moved out over a year ago, Annie and David continued living.


Katie Bowen said...

PS: Coop, yes we all feel very good about it.

Reverend Shawn said...

Ummm ... just to let you know - getting caught up on my reading tonight, I noticed that you've actually BLOGGED more since you said your moving will interfer than you have in weeks previously ...

you're awesome Katie ... Have a good day tomorrow.

Katie Bowen said...

You know better than to listen to what I say!