Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Bath toy


Reverend Shawn said...

That poor litter critter needs a life jacket !!!???

I hope there was a life guard on duty, and suitable hugs and cuddling following the water park adventure !!

Katie Bowen said...

Tai, does it make you feel any better that after the bath, when I was blow-drying her coat, she literally attacked me, bit me on the thigh, left me with broken skin, a bruise and all?

Don't be deceived, Honey is the devil.

CJGallegos said...

Well, all dogs can be evil. Just like their owners. If we did that to Annie B. she'd leap out the 3rd floor window. (if we had one).

Katie Bowen said...

Tai, After being friends for 35 years, I knew whose side you'd take!

AMGallegos said...

Honey, we can all be devils sometimes. But you're a cute lil devil.