Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Legend in my own mind

When I first did a google search for my name, I was shocked to find there were--now brace yourselves--other Katie Bowens.

There are Katie Bowens in the Midwest and Katie Bowens in the South, there are Katie Bowen athletes and Katie Bowen prom queens.

I wondered what life could possibly be like for the other Katie Bowens, I wondered if they shared anything in common. And as I carefully studied each photograph, I found it--an inexplicable emptiness, an unidentifiable pain that surely must come from living the life of a Katie Bowen who, regardless of her beauty and poise, athletic or academic success, is destined to live in my shadow--without knowledge or awareness, without a hope or a prayer.

See for yourself.

Katie Bowen
Katie Bowen
Katie Bowen

Katie Bowen

Katie Bowen


CJGallegos said...

How can this be? (I do kind of like the lake shot though.)

Anonymous said...

well at least they got a cool name? rw

Anonymous said...

I found your blog when I was searching for Katie Bowen, who I went to college with (San Francisco, 1995) I never found my Katie Bowen, but I've been a dedicated reader of your blog for over a year now!

Katie Bowen said...

Coop--At least she LOOKS happy beside the lake, poor girl.

Tai--Your sympathetic soul is just one of the reasons I love you.

Anonymous--I hope since finding my blog, you've put all silly notions of the other Katie Bowen completely out of your mind. Thanks for reading, sincerely, I'm touched.

AMGallegos said...

I think the one thing they all have in common is that they are all apparently women. What a coincidence! And speaking of coincidences, check this out (scroll down to the band bios):
Entropy Rock

runnerfrog said...

Katie Bowen seems to be a existential matryoshka doll. The universal design paradigm is an eternal puzzle.
I guess that if you peel the outer layer off the onion-structure of the Katie Bowen personality you'll always get a similar layer too.
Nature is a crazy scientist.

Katie Bowen said...

rf-- When you come to New York, we'll have to discuss this in more depth. Existential matryoshka doll, yes, I think I see what you mean.