Sunday, October 26, 2008

Almost famous

Tai Moses and I have both been published in the new book, Not What I Was Planning: Six Word Memoirs by Writers Famous and Obscure.

I always wanted to be a famous writer, but Tai assures me being obscure is way better! She also believes the fact that neither of us can remember what we wrote and submitted makes us geniuses!

Click here for Amazon's customer reviews, here for editorial reviews and to order your copy today!


Lesley Looper said...

This book came through the library where I work. Since I work in the cataloging department, I caught it before it went to the stacks, and was able to get early in the queue to read it!

It was delightful, insightful, and an easy read in today's busy times. The people who put this together had a fun idea with this.

runnerfrog said...

I'd love to know who's this brilliant writer who found the secret of life and wrote it there: "Cheese is the essence of life." Seriously I'd buy all of its books.

CJGallegos said...

Alright, I could eat my heart out. I coulda been a contenda. We wrote many of these in my writing group and were given the address, deadline, etc. But did I send mine in? Congratulations you two! I'll see if I can get the book in town. Wooppee!

Katie Bowen said...

lesley: they're sending us copies--I look forward to reading it!

frog: Sweetie Kosh would also agree that cheese is the essence of life.

coop--you may not be an obscure writer YET, but at least you're now the FRIEND of obscure writers!

Be patient, your time will come.