Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Yesterday & today

Yesterday the rain stopped and the sun came out through a charcoal sky. I had coffee with a friend, visited the girls at the salon, and bought something pretty to wear for tomorrow. I got a bag of candy for Annie and her pals, and delivered it to the playground where they jumped Double Dutch. I walked the dog, made dinner for two, and watched a movie I didn't like.

Today I am barely able to move, and can only manage to sleep and sleep and sleep.


Kyra Gaunt, Ph.D. said...

Where did you find this image? Trying to figure the location and date. Know it's NYC but want to get more info on source of image for double dutch research kyraocity at gmail

Katie Bowen said...

I probably just did a google search for kids jumping rope. Sorry, I can't help more. :/